Wednesday, August 10, 2011

I've got a fever....

.....And the only cure is MORE COWBELL! For anyone who hasn't seen that SNL skit I may come across quite strange, but that's ok with me. Anyways, the fever I am experiencing now is baby fever. Yep, every baby, toddler, child I see makes me want to go home, throw out my birth control and get started. However, my brain kicks in somewhere along the line and says 'wait, is this really the best time?'. CW and I have talked about kids many times. I wouldn't be moving in with him if we didn't see a life together so I know babies are in our future and I know CW will be an excellent father. This just isn't the right time for us. I'm starting school in 2012 (nursing for those interested) and CW has plans to move into a different unit (undercover gang something or other....there is a fancy name that I can never remember) in the near future that will bring long(er) hours and more nights where I'm at home studying alone and I could not imagine adding a baby into that. Anyways, the baby post was fuelled by a text from CW today " Kids are cute. But can you just pop out a 4 year old? Save all taht diaper business and junk?" I got this while in the office today and could not stop laughing. Kinda makes me want to think twice about having him be the father of my future children.
When I'm not daydreaming about tiny boots and small chubby hands I'm planning our wedding. Again, we've talked about it but there is no ring on my finger yet, and I think sometimes my planning really scares CW but I am totally addicted to wedding shows, wedding photos, reception ideas and everything else wedding!
But right now we are focused on making the house look good, painting, decorating, new furniture, the list goes on. We are going to IKEA next week and I feel like a kid waiting for Christmas.
In work related drama:
CW had to cancel his shift on the boat the other day as he was quite sick the night before and got zero sleep, he thinks it was due to some bad chicken (I thought it might have had something to do with the empty ice cream sandwich box I found in the freezer). He is still on holidays until the 23rd so any work stuff will be delayed untill then.
I on the other hand have been stuck in the office during all of our lovely weather. On the phone today I've had a man curse at me because the CO's in our area do not deal with seals-that would be DFO. I have had a man eat his breakfast while trying to tell me the bear in his area was going to maul a child one day. Now this is a big pet peeve of mine, eating while on the phone. It is just plain disgusting, seriously, put down the pizza and then make the call about the bear/deer/cougar/turtle you saw yesterday.
I've got more shift on car coming up and I'm really looking forward to that. I'm starting to get frustrated with the summer office job now. I have joined the Honour Guard for my ambulance service and my training days are this weekend. I'm nervous but more excited. I enjoy drill and the order of marching and the sound of multiple boots stomping the ground at once..yeah you can go ahead and think I'm weird now.

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